The golden rules of Too Good To Go (2024)

Rescuing great surplus food with Too Good To Go is easy as 1 - 2 - 3. But we can all use a few tips now and then. We’ve gathered some hacks for you to make the most of the Too Good To Go app before, during and after rescuing your meal.

Before rescuing your meal

Filters make your life easier: Or at least they make your Too Good To Go experience easier. You can choose to see only shops with food left (or see it all so you know what to keep an eye out for tomorrow). You can also specify categories (baked goods, fresh greens, restaurants etc.) - and if you only want to pick up straight after work, you can adjust the pick-up times.

Discovering your country: If you’re vacationing and can’t go a day without your Too Good To Go fix, jump into the map and explore. You can also tell your friend where in their city to get their food rescue on.

Keep track of your favorites: It’s super easy. Just give your favorite shop a heart, and you will have easy access to them when you’re ready to rescue your next meal.

Rule of thumb for cancellation: Of course you don’t want to cancel your purchase. But should it happen that you can’t make it to the specified pick-up time, be sure to cancel at least 3 hours before (you do it on the receipt in the app). This way, the meal can go to someone else instead of ending up in the bin.

Be on time - and be proud: You’re doing something good! It’s totally cool to give yourself a high five. And while you’re at it, give one to your fellow food heroes in the shop. Also, make sure to be at the shop on time - not too late so you come to a closed shop, and not too early so the staff isn’t ready to greet you.

Share with someone in need: If you have extra to share, you can donate to different charities in the app. A small amount can go a long way. If you’ve bought too much food, we would love it if you shared it with someone as well. Could be a neighbor. Your BFF. Or even a homeless person. Sharing is caring.

During the rescue mission

BYOB: No, we’re not talking booze. Bags. We mean bags. When you’re headed to your favorite spot to save a lovely meal, be sure to bring a reusable bag to carry your savings home. Some places also allow you to bring your own box for filling up from the buffet. If we can minimize other types of waste while saving surplus food - well, isn’t that just win-win?

Look forward to the surprise: We humans are creatures of habit so we like knowing what we’re going to get. But sometimes, a little change can be a good thing. You can’t always be sure what will be in your magic bag or magic box. That’s the magic of it! It’s about saving what’s left at the end of the day - and if it’s not really your taste, maybe you know someone who’ll love it?

Let the shop do the swiping: What you do on your Tinder profile is completely up to you. But in the Too Good To Go app, you need to let the shop staff swipe your receipt. It is their way of keeping track that they are handing out the right food to the right people.

After your heroic actions

Share your thoughts: Show some love to your local shops by letting them know that you love their food. And be sure to let us know if you have any feedback. We want to be better at what we do, and we can’t do it without you.

Take pictures: Did you get something delicious that you want others to see? Snap a photo and share it on your favorite social media with the #toogoodtogo hashtag. We love seeing what you’re getting out there.

We’re here for you: If you ever need our help - or just want to chat - we’re there. We want to hear from you, whether you want to tell us how happy you are, or if you want to tell us what we need to do differently. Send us an email at, and we’ll get back to you asap.

There you go! It’s as easy as 1 - 2 - 3. Start rescuing and help us do more to waste less.

The golden rules of Too Good To Go (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.