10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (2024)

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Crystals are full of potent healing energy.

They are powerful by themselves, but what happens when you start combining two gemstones together?

If you pair them right, you’ll get a mix of harmonious energies that can amplify each of the crystals’ healing properties. Let’s say you need a crystal to aid your creativity and to help your anxiety. You can then pair two compatible gemstones together to get the best of both worlds!

In this article, we are going to cover 10 powerful crystal combinations to take your crystal healing to the next level.


10 crystal combinations

1. Ruby and Emerald

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (1)

Both Emerald and Ruby are considered to be “royal gemstones” as they have been the choice of royal families for centuries. Ruby is known to promote love, health, and nurturing energy.

Emerald connects deeply with your Heart Chakra, and it enhances happiness and fulfillment.

Together, you have two stones that can help bring more loving energy into your life.

This is an ideal crystal combination for lovers or friends. It even makes for a cute gift if one person wears Emerald and the other Ruby, so that when you’re together the gemstones can enhance the harmony within your partnership.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (2)

These two combined can also bring you closer in your relationship to the divine. Emerald especially holds a deep connection with spirit, and Ruby can amplify the magical energies that Emerald exudes.

From an astrological standpoint, Ruby is connected with the Sun and Emerald is connected with the planet Mercury.

Both of these planets in astrology share a nice, friendly bond which contributes to how well Ruby and Emerald work together.

2. Amethyst and Citrine

Amethyst and Citrine are a wonderful combination that complement each other well. We even see on rare occasions Amethyst and Citrine found together in the mine, which results in a gorgeous purple and orange crystal named “Ametrine”.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (3)

These two are so compatible that even Mother Earth allows them to form together—how cool is that!

Citrine is a wonderful crystal for manifesting and bringing forward blessings of abundance. Amethyst has an entire list of healing benefits; some of these include dispelling fear, anxiety, and rage.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (4)

This crystal can also enhance your intuition and activate your spiritual awareness.

Citrine complements Amethyst by swooping in and also replacing the fear or anxiety with thoughts of optimism and joy.If you need help creating or manifesting, Amethyst is great for opening your imagination and improves mental processes.

Citrine is ruled by Jupiter while Amethyst is ruled by Saturn, these planets are neither enemies nor best friends.

They share a neutral relationship which allows Citrine and Amethyst to do the same.

3. Lapis Lazuli and Onyx

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (5)

Together, Lapis Lazuli and Onyx are a powerful gemstone combination. Lapis Lazuli rules over the Throat Chakra which governs our ability to speak our truth with authenticity and confidence.

Onyx promotes stamina, enhances self-control, and helps with decision-making. This crystal combination will bring you wisdom and a greater ability to speak your mind, which is ideal especially when you have a big speech coming up or simply need help standing up to someone.

This gemstone combination can also bring you structure which is needed to keep both our life and the life we share with others running smoothly.

Lapis Lazuli and Onyx can bring you closer with the people around you and may even keep the conversation flowing. Both gemstones are also full of energy that enhances our relationships and friendships.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (6)

Work with these gemstones the next time you and your partner start to feel depleted; they will restore the vitality in the relationship and encourage both of you to express your feelings free of judgment or anger. Lapis Lazuli is ruled by Jupiter, and Onyx is ruled by Saturn, just like Amethyst and Citrine. This means that the energy is compatible and have no issues working alongside one another.

4. Carnelian and Aquamarine

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Besides these two stones looking great next to each other, their energy is another reason to love this crystal combination. Carnelian is a fiery stone full of passion and motivation.

Aquamarine has more peaceful and serene energy to it, which takes the edge off of the intensity of Carnelian.

Carnelian is great for stimulating the mind especially surrounding creative pursuits.

It can increase productivity and enhance your concentration. Aquamarine works to reduce the chatter in our minds and help alleviate feelings of anxiety.

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This crystal can also bring you clarity and sharpen your mind, which is great since Carnelian will bring you an overflow of ideas. The ideas given to you by Carnelian can be sorted through by Aquamarine.

Carnelian is ruled by Mars, and Aquamarine is ruled by the planet Neptune. In astrology, this combination can prove to be a work in progress, but the energies balance each other out.

Mars needs the softness of Neptune to bring it back to reality sometimes, which is the same with Carnelian and Aquamarine. These stones work well with those who have either of these ruling planets in their chart too.

5. Selenite and Moonstone

Selenite is a crystal full of white light and positivity. While Selenite can pair with any gemstone, but one of the most powerful gemstone combinations is Moonstone.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (9)

Before diving into the compatibility of these two stones, let’s learn a bit more about Selenite. This stone (besides Clear Quartz) is the only crystal that can cleanse and purify other stones.

This is why Selenite can pair withanygemstones, but for the purposes of the article, we will focus on the relationship between Selenite and Moonstone!

Moonstone holds certain ethereal energy that connects you deeper to your spiritual nature. It embodies the feminine energy of the moon, making it a crystal that encourages your inner strength and growth.

When you combine the pure angelic energy of Selenite and the intuitive energy of Moonstone, you get a harmonious balance that will connect you deeper with your higher self and fight through thoughts of the ego.

This combination is especially useful if you are starting a new chapter within your life or simply need some divine guidance. Use Moonstone and Selenite when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (10)

Also, pair Selenite with any gemstone to purify the energy and amplify the healing properties.

6. Moss Agate and Fuchsite

When you’re feeling stuck in life or need that extra push to make a decision, the combination of Moss Agate and Fuchsite can help you do just that. Moss Agate helps with overwhelming emotions and brings about a sense of tranquility. Fuchsite works similarly, but instead, it will remove the blockages that are causing the intense emotions and will try and take the weight off of your shoulders.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (11)

Both of these stones work to bring you a new perspective of life whenever it’s needed and can help you figure out your next step when you aren’t sure where to go. This powerful gemstones combination brings about a sense of child-like wonder and even helps heal your inner child.

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Moss Agate and Fuchsite will allow you to feel more playful and bring about feelings of happiness and joy.

If you ever find yourself in a time when you need more positive energy or light-heartedness in your life, find yourself some Moss Agate and Fuchsite. Together, they make a great combination to help you feel more optimistic and excited about life.

7. Rose Quartz and Pink Tourmaline

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (13)

If love is on your mind, look no further than the gemstone combination of Rose Quartz and Pink Tourmaline.

This gemstone combination is another that be found within the same mines, meaning that they are destined to have a harmonious relationship.

Pink Tourmaline is great for those who have just gone through heartbreak or another type of loss. It allows you to view whatever is weighing you down in another light and find peace within yourself.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (14)

Rose Quartz is seen as the universal crystal for love.

It can instill you with more feelings of self-love and restore the trust between you and your partner (or even just the trust you have for yourself).

Together, Rose Quartz and Pink Tourmaline will heal you and your relationships.

It doesn’t stop at romantic love, it can help repair any relationship with friends, family, and even colleagues.

Both of these gemstones are amazing to use during periods of grieving a loss as well. It will help lessen the overwhelming emotions and try and bring you a greater sense of peace.

From an astrological standpoint, both of these gemstones are ruled by Venus, which means there are no other planets that could potentially make the connection hard.

8. Black Tourmaline and Fire Agate

Need a combination to repel negative energy and ground you in the darker moments? Fire Agate and Black Tourmaline together can do just that.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (15)

These gemstones on their own are two of the best crystals for protecting your precious energy from negative or unwanted energies. Those who wish you ill will or throw negative intentions your way are no match for this powerful gemstone combination.

Black Tourmaline, like most black crystals, are great for protection and keeping you safe from energy vampires. Fire Agate does the same, but it also stimulates your sexual energy and increases your vitality.

This crystal will also develop your personal strength and may even influence you to make “riskier” choices; meaning it will give you the confidence to not always take the safe route and allow you to take a risk every once in a while.

Another quality regarding Black Tourmaline besides its ability to protect, it is also a purification stone. Keeping a piece will ensure that negative energy can’t even get into your auric field as it will automatically block and purify you or your space to help keep it clear.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (16)

Mercury is the ruling planet of Fire Agate, and Venus (also Jupiter) is the ruling planet of Black Tourmaline. This is a favorable union that works very well with each other.

9. Smokey Quartz and Black Obsidian

Smokey Quartz and Black Obsidian is an ideal pair for those who struggle with anxiety or releasing negative habits or attachments. Black Obsidian is another highly protective and grounding stone. It’s used to release any pent-up negative energy and emotions, and it can even remove blockages that cause negative emotions to harvest.

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Smokey Quartz is all about alleviating fear-based thoughts and anxiety.

It’s the perfect stone to bring you a sense of inner calmness and promote happier and more positive thoughts. For those that struggle with negative self-talk, the combination between Smokey Quartz and Black Obsidian is the ideal pair for helping overcome this.

This powerful gemstone combination works together to make you feel better about the life you’re living. It will allow you to accept the things beyond your control and bring you more peace whenever your anxiety starts to get the best of you.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (18)

Work with Smokey Quartz and Black Obsidian when you need a “pick me up” and allow it to remove the negativity that’s holding you back from fully thriving.

10. Red Jasper and Green Aventurine

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The last powerful gemstone combination we’re going to cover in this article is Red Jasper and Green Aventurine. These two crystals are great because they both encourage you to take back your power and truly create a life worth living.

Green Aventurine is connected to the Heart Chakra, so not only does this stone speak of love but it also provides strength, courage, and happiness.

Red Jasper is known as the stone of empowerment and is deeply connected to your ability to overcome any sort of bullying or unfairness.

This is especially true if you are in an abusive relationship or friendship.

Besides that, this combination also serves well for those starting a business or simply need more confidence in their plans.

Green Aventurine is also connected with matters of finance and abundance, and when combined with the confidence of Red Jasper, you will have no problems feeling confident in your business ventures.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (20)

Use Red Jasper and Green Aventurine to manifest more prosperity, confidence, and courage into your life.

Bad crystal combinations

If you combine crystals, it’s worth learning about bad gemstone combinations, as not all crystals complement one another.

I’ve already written a comprehensive article about healing crystals that conflict—which you should read since I’ll only be doing a high-level overview in this section.

Combining gemstones can give you a boost of healing properties, but sometimes, using too many crystals, or pairing the wrong crystals together, can lead to undesirable outcomes.

While nothing bad will happen, you just won’t feel the full effects of your crystal pairings if you’re combining conflicting crystals.

Now, here’s the most important thing when you combine crystals: you must set your intention. If you don’t set your intention, your crystals won’t work as well together. For example, let’s say you want to use crystals to ease anxiety.

Grounding stones, like Hematite, can help you feel grounded, especially when you’re feeling anxious. However, an energizing stone, like Orange Calcite, will raise your vibrations and give you a boost of energy.

Now, if you’re using your crystals to calm your anxiety, pairing Orange Calcite with Hematite won’t work. These two stones conflict IF you’re intention is to reduce anxiety. Orange Calcite will raise your vibrations while Hematite will try to ground you. It’s essential to set your intentions (we’ll talk about how to set intentions later on).

Now let’s look at a different intention. If you’re feeling lazy and need a little motivation to help you check items off your to-do list, Orange Calcite and Hematite are a fantastic combination to do that.

Both stones help you overcome mental roadblocks and give you subtle energy to complete tasks. This is why it’s essential to set your intentions when using your crystals.

Imagine going to a chiropractor and not telling them what’s wrong. They’ll try their best to make you feel better, but if you don’t tell them what part of your body is in pain, they won’t be able to direct their attention to that specific body part.

Now imagine going to a chiropractor and telling them your neck is sore. They’ll spend time working on your neck and helping you feel better.

Your crystals are similar; they need direction so they know what part of your life to work on, otherwise, they’ll just try their best to help you out but they won’t be as effective.

To set your intention, you can just hold your crystals in your hand and say out loud what you need from them. It’s that simple!

Combining healing crystals

Using the above crystal combinations can give you powerful results. If you notice the combinations don’t work well for you, simply try another combination until you find the perfect combo!

Crystal pairing chart

Feel free to save the below free crystal pairing chart to come back and reference as needed.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (21)

Nothing we provide for you here is intended to replace any form of competent professional advice in any form. Please read our for more information.

10 Powerful Gemstone Combos + Free Crystal Pairing Chart (2024)


Which gemstone combination is best? ›

Popular gemstone combinations using complementary colors include ruby and emerald (red and green) and amethyst and citrine (purple and yellow). While these stones are opposite in color, their presence next to each creates a harmonious balance.

Which crystals Cannot be paired together? ›

  • Clear quartz and stones with powerful properties. Quartz amplifies the energy of minerals nearby, so it is not recommended for use with strong minerals. ...
  • Lace agate and red jasper. ...
  • Smoky Quartz and Tiger Eye. ...
  • Pure quartz and green aventurine. ...
  • Amazonite and tiger's eye.

Which gemstone is most powerful? ›

Diamond is considered the most valuable and the hardest among all gems. Generally, people frequently use it for its beauty and value. In astrology, it is considered as the gem of the planet Venus. One can attract beauty, happiness and prosperity by wearing this gem.

What gemstone goes with everything? ›

White (White Diamond, White Sapphire, White Topaz) is extremely versatile and can be paired with all colors of the wheel. If one color is chosen as the center stone, while the white gemstones are placed as supporting or accent gemstones, it helps being out the hues and vibrancy of the center stone to a great extent.

Who should not wear carnelian? ›

For this reason, carnelian treatment is not recommended for people who already suffer from cancer or have a predisposition to it.

Who should not wear amethyst? ›

Amethyst stone is not recommended for people born under the zodiac signs of Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Wearing amethyst can have negative effects on their health, finances, and relationships.

Who should not wear lapis lazuli? ›

To recap: lapis lazuli is a stunning blue gemstone with a long and fascinating history, but it's not for everyone. People who have a sensitivity to copper or sulfur might want to avoid wearing lapis lazuli, and those who are hard on their jewelry might want to choose a more durable stone.

What crystal should I keep in my bra? ›

Popular bra crystals are Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Tourmaline, Shungite, Citrine, Calcite and Smokey Quartz. Having them close to the heart chakra all day provides plenty of feel-good energy. However, there are some do's and don'ts when having crystals up against the skin for a period of time.

What happens when you rub two crystals together? ›

When you go into a dark room and rub two quartz crystals together, you will start to see them glow. This process is called Triboluminescence and it is a flash of light produced from the energy of friction, impact, or breakage.

What crystal amplifies other crystals? ›

Clear Quartz Crystals

The seventh chakra stone (the crown of the head), clear quartz is known as the master healer. It amplifies the energy, thoughts, and vibrations of other crystals.

What is the No 1 gemstone in the world? ›

1. Blue Diamond. The stunning blue diamond is arguably the most prized of all precious gemstones.

What gemstone has supernatural powers? ›

OPAL. Many cultures have credited opal with supernatural origins and powers. Because opal shows so many colors, the Romans thought it was the most precious and powerful of gem of all. The Bedouins believed that opals were lightning flashes that had fallen from the sky during thunderstorms.

What is the king of all gemstones? ›

The birthstone of July, and the “King of Gemstones”, Ruby certainly is a popular gem choice among a vast collection. As we look at a glorious red ruby, one word pops in mind – Love. Yet, the Ruby is representative of many things along with love.

Can I wear 4 gemstones together? ›

The answer is affirmative, but there are a few precautions to keep in mind. Combining two or more gemstones may enhance their potential benefits, but only if they are compatible with each other. In other words, the gemstones you plan to wear should correspond to friendly planets.

What gemstone represents soulmate? ›

Amethyst is one of the most important stones for those looking for a soulmate. This mineral is filled with tranquility, which it generously shares with the individual.

Can I wear 2 gemstones together? ›

Red stones are better when not combined with other colored stones, they are better to be complemented with transparent stones. Blue and cyan stones are not recommended with black, yellow or orange stones. It is better not to combine black with purple, blue or pink stones. Green stones do not look good with red stones.

What not to do with gemstones? ›

Most porous gemstones should not be cleaned with water or submerged in water as this can cause discolouration and can damage them. Harsh, abrasive products including cleaners and perfumes will affect these precious stones, creating flaws that remove their lustre.

What gemstone is for success and abundance? ›

Citrine stone is well known for financial and career success. It is known as the money stone, success stone, and merchant stone for wealth luck. It promotes success, prosperity, and abundance.

What crystal stone is for wealth and money? ›

The best crystals for wealth are Pyrite, Malachite, Aventurine, Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Green Jade, Garnet, Clear Quartz and Iolite.

What zodiac signs should wear carnelian? ›

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Carnelian

This zodiac sign naturally exudes high energy, always ready to jump into adventures and pursue new ideas. Aries-born people have an overpowering force, which can be balanced with the carnelian stone.

What does carnelian attract? ›

Carnelian attracts the energies of love, passion, and romance into your aura. Work with this lovely gemstone to help you restore love and romance in your existing relationship. If you are single, wear Carnelian to help you attract your soulmate.

What happens when you start wearing carnelian? ›

You'll find many health benefits from wearing carnelian gemstones, including increased energy, clearer skin, improved vision, enhanced sleep, more energy, a stronger immune system, clearer skin, and better memory.

Which zodiac can wear amethyst? ›

Amethyst is a traditional Pisces birthstone that is said to bring inner serenity. It is an excellent birthstone for Pisces that suffer from mental instability & lack self-confidence. This beautiful violet-hued gemstone is not just for the fish sign, but amethyst for Aquarius zodiac sign is also known to work wonders.

What should amethyst avoid? ›

Protect from Chemicals – Hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride and alkaline solutions, most of which are found in household cleaners can severely damage the amethyst. Even perfumes, hand sanitizers, and hairsprays must be kept away from this stone.

What is the negative effect of amethyst? ›

Amethyst raises your risk of blood clots. These clots can occur anywhere in your body, including your lungs (pulmonary embolism or PE), legs (deep vein thrombosis or DVT), brain (stroke), and heart (heart attack).

Which zodiac can wear lapis lazuli? ›

Who can wear Lapis lazuli gemstone? Lapis lazuli is astrologically suitable for Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

What does the Bible say about lapis lazuli? ›

Sinai. There, “they saw the God of Israel. Under his feet there seemed to be a surface of brilliant blue lapis lazuli, as clear as the sky itself” (24:10). Verse 11 adds that although they “gazed upon God, he did not destroy them.”

How do you activate lapis lazuli? ›

One of the best ways to charge Lapis Lazuli is to leave it in the moonlight or to place it in a bowl with tumbled hematite, clear quartz, or selenite. You can also charge Lapis Lazulite by smudging it or holding it in your dominant hand and sending it a clear message of intention.

How do you know which crystal is right for you? ›

How to select your crystal. First things first: Identify what you feel you're missing before looking into what the stones can provide you. This will help you figure out what's going on within yourself before depending on outside sources. From there, just let your intuition choose what's best for you.

What happens if I put rose quartz in my bra? ›

Rose Quartz is the ultimate stone for love and dating, and the bra is my absolute favourite spot to put it! Placing it there opens your heart and reminds you to give and receive equally so the love can flow both ways. It also teaches you to love yourself, which is the first and most important step to any relationship!

Does it matter what shape your crystal is? ›

Just like the colors of the crystals convey unique meanings (since they often signify what type of stone, exactly, it is), crystal shapes also matter. Experts say the structure of a crystal doesn't change the type of energy it emits, but the shape does affect the way you receive said energy.

What happens if you accidentally break one of your crystals? ›

As far as bad luck even if the mineral is broken is will still keep its energy and will still bring your the energetic aspects of the stone you were seeking when you collected it. A broken piece of crystal may evoke different feelings in you as they are not the pristine element we once had.

Why do crystals vibrate? ›

The vibrational motion of an atom in a crystal propagates to neighboring atoms, which leads to wavelike propagation of the vibrations throughout the crystal. The way in which these natural vibrations travel through the crystalline structure determine fundamental properties of the material.

Can quartz create a spark? ›

These silicate rocks have special properties; they generate electricity. If you turn the lights off and knock them together, you'll notice a green spark at the point of contact that illuminates the entire stone as it conducts the light.

What crystals produce power? ›

PiezoElectric crystals are quartz and tourmaline and rochells salt. The Crystal has a hexagonal shape with at both ends. It has three axis, there are Optical Axis and Electrical Axis and Mechanical Axis. When a pressure or mechanical force is applied along the piezo electric crystals, then it Produce the electricity.

What is the best stone to wear everyday? ›

Stones that can be worn everyday with little or no worry to you, the customer, are Diamonds, Sapphires, Rubies, and Topaz. The gemstones that need to be worn more carefully due to their hardness and wear ability are Pearls, Opals, Jades, Aquamarines, and Onyx.

What is the rarest crystal? ›

Painite : Not just the rarest gemstone, but also the rarest mineral on earth, Painite holds the Guinness World Record for it.

What is the most precious stone in the Bible? ›

Aben-Esra and Abarbanel translate yhlm as "diamond"; but yhlm was demonstrated above to be beryl. Diamond is made up of pure carbon, mostly of a white transparent colour, but sometimes tinted. White diamond is often regarded as the most precious because of its beauty and rarity.

What gem is rarer than diamond? ›

Ammolite. In 1981, the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) declared ammolite a new organic gem. Occurring in limited deposits in the Rocky Mountains, this gem material is much rarer than diamond.

What is the cursed stone? ›

The Hope Diamond

Arguably the most famous and most cursed precious gemstone in history, this 45.52-carat sparkler has a long and storied past. The Hope Diamond has been blamed for a laundry list of tragedies, including but not limited to: beatings, stabbings, murder, insanity, and suicide.

What is the most magical birthstone? ›

Rock crystal, or simply crystal, was considered one of the most magical gemstones of the old times, and I guess we all know about the crystal ball. Crystal is Aries astral birthstone. Swedish philosopher, scientist and mystic Swedenborg described the gem as 'Divine Truth in all its brightness'.

What do you call someone who loves crystals? ›

Someone who collects precious or rare stones has a lapidary hobby. You can also call a person who works with such stones a lapidary. Lapidary comes from the Latin word, lapis, for stone. Definitions of lapidary. adjective.

What is the mother of all gems? ›

Goshenite is a colorless gem variety of beryl. It is called the mother of all gemstones because it can be transformed into other like emerald, morganite, or bixbite. Goshenite is also referred to as the purest form of beryl since there are generally no other elements present in the stone.

What is the gem of royalty? ›

For centuries, Sapphire has been the blue gemstone associated with royalty and romance.

Who is the strongest gem? ›

Diamond is the hardest natural material in the world.

Which 4 gemstones are considered precious? ›

The four most sought-after precious gemstones are diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies. gemstone can help you decide what you want to say with your custom piece of jewelry.

What are the luckiest gem stones? ›

Good Luck Gemstones Guide
  • Amethyst. A royal purple gemstone, amethyst symbolizes wealth, healing, abundance and spirituality. ...
  • Aquamarine. Aquamarine is a soothing blue gemstone that has been worn for its healing powers and magical properties since Medieval times. ...
  • Citrine. ...
  • Diamond. ...
  • Emerald. ...
  • Garnet. ...
  • Moonstone. ...
  • Morganite.

What is the most versatile gemstone? ›

Topaz. One of the most versatile gemstones, topaz comes in many different colours, from pink to brown to yellow. With a little extra care, topaz can make a perfect alternative to a diamond for an engagement ring.

When not to wear gemstones? ›

Right Date: Although there is no exact date for wearing gemstones, there are some dates on which wearing gemstones should be avoided. 4, 9, 14 are the dates when wearing gemstones should be avoided. Other days which are not good for wearing gemstones are New moon day (Amavasya), Eclipse and Sankranti.

What is the queen of all gemstones? ›

Opal: The Queen of Gemstones.

What is the rarest birthstone gem? ›

Diamond (April) is the rarest birthstone in a total of six states, while topaz (November) is the rarest birthstone in Montana, Wyoming, and Rhode Island. Emerald (May), sapphire (September), and pearl (June) are the rarest birthstones in Texas, Washington, and Utah, respectively.

What is the most powerful stone to attract luck? ›

The Absolute Best Crystals For Good Luck, According To Crystal Experts
  • Clear quartz.
  • Citrine.
  • Tiger's eye.
  • Green jade.
  • Green aventurine.
  • Turquoise.
  • Carnelian.
  • Rose quartz.
Mar 7, 2023

What gem brings success? ›

Ruby or Manek/Manickam is the gemstone for career success, passion and luck.

What is the most unbreakable gem? ›

Corundum (e.g., ruby and sapphire) are the most durable gemstones when combining hardness and toughness – 8 on Mohs Scale/'Excellent' toughness.


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